Thursday, March 11, 2010

It's almost Spring!

We have not sent pictures in months!! We've been super busy, so I've included a few pictures of Christmas since the last time we sent pictures was before Christmas....sorry!!

Updates - Adam and Hunter are growing by the minute. Hunter only has one year left of elementary school after this year. Adam has started karate and he loves it. Caiden is a little boy now - he talks up a storm and puts 3 words together - such as "bye bye big truck." His favorite words to say in sign lanuage are please and thank you. He had his 18 month check up...and is still super tall like his daddy - the 90th percentile, but has droppped a huge percentage in weight!!!! Only the 18th percentile in weight...he and his cousin Dagny are now close in that category. He loves his friends at daycare and literally will shed tears if the teacher says one of them will not be coming that day. He loves to give kisses and hugs and loves to give huge puppy dog eyes when he is mad at you. And he is starting to potty fun.
Our dear friend Elaine is on the road to recovery at Craig Rehab. We have been able to see her each week and she is getting stronger each day!!
Happy birthday to the following over the past few months: our nieces Hannah and Brooke and our brother Dave. And happy birthday to our brothers Karl, and Jeff and my mom.
Chris and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary as a couple last month. :)
Hope you are all well. It's almost Spring - we hate the snow so we can't wait ;)

Play date! Jude, Dillon and Caiden at Chuckee Cheese!

We took the kids to Monkey Bizness. We are frequent visitors of that place along with our friends Laura and Josh. This place is a life saver. Caiden on the slide

Laura and Jen....we were given about 10 minutes to chat while the boys took over with the kids..

Brooke and I :)

My happy baby!!

Caiden and I at his favorite place - the aquarium. He runs up to each tank and yells "fishy" and growls at the sharks.

Caiden and his cousins Ainsley and Dagny at the aquarium. They love their times together. Ainsley wants to dress her baby Caiden up in a dress though...

Chique and Popeye and their grandkids

Karl and his snuggie....he may deny he wanted one, but he invented his own snuggie when we were in North Carolina last summer ;) We have it on video

Me and all my boys on Christmas Eve

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Holidays! It has been a busy month. Kristin and Koehn came to visit from Virginia. It was great to see you guys!! We were also lucky enough to spend Thanksgiving on the beach in Long Boat Key, FL. It was a beautiful week on the beach and we were so fortunate that all of my cousins and aunts and uncles, grandparents, on my moms side got to meet our baby boy. The kids are getting excited for Christmas as well as no school for 2 weeks. Caiden is such a little boy now. He has a mouth full of teeth and says more words and signs each day. His new favorite word is "no"...lucky us....and his new favoite sign is "please." He is still active as always and loves to dance. His favorite song is Beyonce's "Single Ladies." They are all growing up so fast.

Chris and Caiden and I at night on the beach

Caiden analyzing how his toes felt in the sand....he loved it. He loved the water, the sand, the sea shells...however he did try to eat the shells.

Caiden and I trying to be patient while we waited for daddy to walk out to the beach...neither Caiden nor I are very patient people...:)

Sunset view from our house

Popeye walking the girls out to the beach :)

Chris, Caiden and I at out favorite diner on the beach

The kids, and the big kids enjoying the Gulf of Mexico

The view from our bedroom

Our family owned a beach house for over 30 years and all my cousins and my sister and I had been going there since we were babies. It is located 3 houses down from the beach house we were in this trip. So we had to take a trip down memory lane and go see the house and peek in the windows ;)

The whole group. Happy Thanksgiving!

My sisters beautiful family, Melissa, Karl, Ainsley and Dagny, in the spot where they got married 5 years ago.

Chris and Caiden and I in the spot where Chris proposed to me 5 years ago. We were happy to share that with Caiden :)

Mom and Aunt Cheri having too much fun

We went to the Seafood Shack, a resturant on the water that we have been going to since we were little. We went to take a picture on this dock because we have many pictures on this very dock of my sister and cousins and I throughout the years.

Chris, Karl, Melissa and Jennifer going for a swim

Kristin and KC..we miss you!!

Kristin, Laura, me, Brooke and Lisa.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Happy Halloween and Happy Fall

Happy Fall! Halloween is done and Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and we've already had a couple of snow luckily we get to spend it by the beach! :) Hunter finished lacrosse and did great. All 3 boys are growing up quickly. Caiden is on milk now, but getting him to drink milk out of a sippy cup seems impossible. He is saying yet more words and has added a couple signs as well, including "friends." Everyone is well. We love and miss you all.

Hunter playing lacrosse just like dad :)

Caiden went to his first pumpkin patch and he found a little one that he carried around everywhere.

Caiden posing by the pumpkins

Daddy and Caiden

Mommy and Caiden

Here is a pic just for Aunt Nomie and Uncle Jeff. Caiden in his Harley shirt from them...and of course he had to have the hair and glasses to match

Caiden, Trey and Dillon wanting to see the dog at Treys house. Happy 1st birthday Trey. We love you!

Caiden loves to take daddys hat and wear it

All bundled up for the first snow of the year

Daddy and Caiden posing as husband and wife. Chris made Caiden be the girl

Caiden's first petting zoo.....although he loves animals, he seemed to be more interested in playing with the straw and leaves on the ground

Happy Halloween and Happy birthday to Dillon. We love you! All the babies are now a year old. Here are Caiden and Dillon checking each other out in their costumes.

Jamie, Laura and I :)

Caiden was still not too sure about his costume

Trick or treating. Caiden loved it...all the kiddos walked to door and grabbed candy.

And Caiden managed to get a lick off of a sucker

All the kids dressed up. We were shocked they sat still long enough to get a picture

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hi everyone! Sorry we haven't sent pics in a while. A lot going on...the boys are back in school, Hunter had a birthday and baby Caiden turned ONE!! The boys are all grown up... 3rd and 4th grade. Hunter is now 10 and started lacrosse..just like his dad. Caiden is now running everywhere and can be hard to catch up with. He is talking a lot - he says dadda, mama, bottle, diaper, dog, puppy, all done, hi, bye bye....the list goes on. In sign language, he still says "more," and now says "milk, daddy, and sing." He also sometimes signs "all done." He is so funny and has such a personality. He will make animal noises now and loves to laugh. He loves to give hugs now too, and will give kisses on occasion. Chris and I will be celebrating our 4year wedding anniversary this weekm and so will our brother and sister in law Jeff and Nomie. Congrats guys. And happy birthday to my amazing sister. We love you! Hope everyone is well! We love and miss you all.

Daddy and baby hanging out

and mommy..

Caiden got his first hair cut last month. He loved it. He drove the car the whole time and flirted with the girl :)

Caiden all done with his hair cut.

Playing with toilet paper while he waits for his bath

Caiden's first birthday!! He got a cake early in North Carolina, so this was his second cake and he loved also kept him up all night.

Family came over to celebrate his big day

And afterwards, he was all worn out.

We've been lucky to be able to hang out with several friends and babies this past month. Here is Caiden, Dillon and Jude, hanging out.

Laura, Josh and Dillon

Caiden and Dillon ;)

It was so good to see everyone

Brooke and Trey practicing to walk

Caiden giving his puppy hugs

HUnter turned 10 this month. Happy Birthday Hunter!