Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A busy summer! North Carolina & Random pictures

We have been busy since our last blog. Chris and I both had a birthday! We've gone through the 4th of July and took a vacation to North Carolina. Hunter and Adam are back in school in a couple weeks...the 3rd and 4th grade. They are growing so fast. Caiden is growing like a weed. He will be ONE in a couple weeks!! August 19th. We can't believe it has already been a year. At 10 months he started walking. Ever since North Carolina last week, he is now practically running. He says several words including mommy or mama when he wants to, daddy, bye bye, hi, baby, and uh oh. He likes to call his best friend Dillon "baby" even though they are only a couple months apart. However, his cousin Dagny who is also only a couple months older than him likes to call Caiden "baby" as well. Sign language, he understands several words, but is really only doing the sign for "more" and "daddy." He has 6 teeth and he is so funny. He makes us laugh every day. His expressions are endless, and well as his babble. He carries on long conversations with us as if we understand it. We hope you all have had a good summer so far. Here are a bunch of pictures! xoxoxoxo

Dillon, Trey and Caiden had a play date! The boys had a blast and Caiden and Dillon pushed each other over trying to get to Trey's dog. :)

Dillon and Caiden playing ball

Caiden has started to cross his little fingers this month..he does it randomly, not sure why, but it's very cute.

Happy 4th of July!!! Hunter and Adam getting ready to see the fireworks

Caiden watching his frist fireworks with grandma. He wasn't scared at all. He watched them until the end!

Cousin Brooke playing with Caiden

Caiden with grandma on Fathers Day

Cousin Hannah playing with Caiden. He loves the girls!

Caiden and I getting ready for the 4th of July. He was prepped in his jammies

Jeff and Nomie came to town to visit. It was so great to see them and they got to meet their nephew Caiden for the first time. We love you guys!

Caiden adored Nomie!

We went to North Carolina last week. This was Caiden's second trip on a plane and this time he was old enough to look out the window.

Caiden loving his daddy on the airplane

My family threw Caiden an early birthday party in North Carolina so that they could celebrate with him. Here are Caiden and his cousins Ainsley and Dagny patiently waiting for cake.

Happy early birthday to my baby boy! Here is Caiden waiting to open presents

Aunt Missy with Caiden.

Aunt Missy, Aunt Cheri and the kids in North Carolina

Chris and Caiden and I on a hike in North Carolina.

Caiden all worn out after swimming.

Nanny and I and her 3 great grandkids. :)

My Aunt Cheri and I

We spent the day at Grandfather Mountain. It's beautiful there and the kids walked across the high bridge

The boys with the babies

Chris and I and Caiden on the porch in NC with the fireplace...we spent many nights out there....:)

Chique and Popeye with their grandkids going on a golf cart ride. The kids loved taking golf cart rides and we had to go at least once a day. We tried to race with Karl and Melissa but Karl is a maniac driver ;)

Caiden is his new birthday outfit

Caiden and his cousin Dagny. They were inseperable all week

The 3 muskateers at the pool ;)

Popeye, Chris and Karl with the kiddos

4 Generations together!

Me and my precious nieces